• The oütf resource Outf resources store information on the items that you can buy when you choose “Outfit Ship” at a planet or station. The first field tells EV whether or not the item's availability is linked to the completion of a mission: MissionBit Tells EV whether to offer this item only if a certain mission bit is set. (see mïsn for more info) -1 Ignored 0-1255 Offer the item only if this mission bit is set The next field contains info on the item’s mass: Mass The mass in tons of the item (0 = no appreciable mass) The next field tells EV where the item is available: TechLevel What the technology level of the item is. This item will be available at all spaceports with a tech level of this value or higher. (The exception to this rule invloves the SpecialTech fields of the spöb resource; see the section on spöb resources for more information.) The next two fields tell EV what kind of modification this item performs: If ModType is: Then it’s: And ModVal refers to: 1 a weapon The ID number of the associated wëap resource 2 more cargo space The number of tons of cargo space to add 3 ammunition The ID number of the associated wëap resource 4 more shield capacity The number of shield points to add 5 faster shield recharge How much to speed up (-30 = one more point per second) 6 armor The number of armor points to add 7 acceleration booster Amount of accel to add (see shïp for more info) 8 speed increase Amount of speed to add (see shïp for more info) 9 turn rate increase Amount of turn increase (1 = 30°/sec) 10 ECM (missile jammer) ignored 11 escape pod ignored 12 fuel capacity increase Amount of extra fuel (100 = 1 jump) 13 density scanner ignored 14 IFF (colorized radar) ignored 15 afterburner ignored 16 map How many jumps away from present system to explore 17 cloaking device The hue to scale the screen to while cloaked 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = cyan, 5 = magenta, 6 = yellow 18 fuel scoop How many frames per 1 unit of fuel generated 19 auto-refueller ignored 20 auto-eject (req. escape pod) ignored 21 clean legal record ID of govt to clear legal record with, or -1 for all 22 hyperspace speed mod Number of days to increase or decrease ship’s hyperspace travel time (still can’t go below 1 day/jump) 23 hyperspace dist mod Amount to increase or decrease the no-jump zone’s radius by (the standard radius is 1000) The next two fields tell EV how many of this item you can possibly have at once: Max How many you can have (not counting weapon limitations) Flags Miscallenous info: 0x0001 This item is a fixed gun 0x0002 This item is a turret 0x0004 This item stays with you when you trade ships The last field, Cost, tells EV how much to charge you for the item. Meanwhile, on the forest moon of Endor...